Convective Heat Transfer Calculator – Newton’s Law of Cooling

convective heat transfer

Related: Inverse Square Law for Radiation

Interactive Bernoulli’s Equation Solver
convection newtons law of cooling temp vs time plot


  1. “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer” by Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Frank P. Incropera, and David P. DeWitt.
  2. Introduction to Heat Transfer” by Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Frank P. Incropera, and David P. DeWitt.
  3. “Convective Heat and Mass Transfer” by S. Mostafa Ghiaasiaan.
  4. “Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications” by Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar.

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