Online Psychrometric Calculator for Chemical Engineers

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Online Psychrometric Calculator

Learn More about the Psychrometric Calculator Code and Concept

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psychrometric chart
Fig: psychrometric chart

This Psychrometric chart is plotted using python – visit here to see full code

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Dry-Bulb Temperature (TDB)

DBT is the temperature of air measured by a regular thermometer (in °C or °F) i.e natural condition unaffected by the moisture content of the air. It represents the air’s thermal condition and is fundamental for psychrometric calculations.

Dry Bulb Temperature, TDB is present on the horizontal axis (x-axis) at the bottom of the chart.

Wet-Bulb Temperature (TWB) & Wet bulb Depression

WBT is the temperature indicated by a thermometer (in °C or °F) covered with a water-saturated wick and exposed to air flow. It shows the cooling effect due to water evaporation and is useful for calculating humidity.

TWB is along the saturation curve (100% RH line). A diagonal line extending from the dry-bulb temperature to the saturation line.

Wet Bulb Depression is the difference between dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature at any point. The wet bulb depression indicates relative humidity of the air.

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Dew Point Temperature (TDP) Meaning

Dew Point is the temperature at which air becomes saturated (RH = 100%) when cooled at constant pressure. For a substance it is the temperature at which saturation of that substance occurs without change in vapour pressure.

It is the temperature infinitesimally above that at which the first dew forms. It determines the temperature at which condensation will occur.

Relative Humidity (RH) & Humidity Ratio (ω)

Relative Humidity is defined as the ratio of the actual water vapor pressure (Pv​) in the air to the saturation vapor pressure (Pvs​) at the same temperature. Mathematically RH is written as:

\[RH = \frac{P_v}{P_{vs}} \times 100 \%\]

It shows how close the air is to saturation. High RH can cause discomfort, mold growth, and material degradation.

Humidity Ratio (ω) or Specific Humidity is defined as the mass of water vapour present in 1 kg of dry air. Mathematically, in terms of pressure it can be written as:

\[\omega = 0.622 \cdot \frac{P_v}{P_{atm} – P_v}\]

Pv is the partial pressure of water vapor (Pa or mmHg),
Patm is the atmospheric pressure (Pa or mmHg).

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Specific Enthalpy (h) & Specific Volume (v)

Specific Enthalpy (h) is defined as the total heat content of moist air, considering both sensible and latent heat, per unit mass of dry air (kJ/kg dry air). Enthalpy is used to calculate the energy required for heating, cooling, humidification, or dehumidification.

\[h = c_p \cdot T_{DB} + \omega \cdot h_{fg}\]

cp is specific heat of dry air (≈1.005 kJ/kg·K),
TDB is the dry-bulb temperature (°C),
hfg is the latent heat of vaporization (≈2501kJ/kg at 0°C).

Specific Volume represents the volume occupied by 1 kg of dry air, including the space taken up by water vapor (m3/kg). Specific volume is the inverse of density. It is helpful in duct sizing and airflow calculations.

\[v = \frac{R_{air} \cdot T_{DB}}{P_{atm}}\]

Rair=0.287 kJ/kg·K which is specific gas constant for air,
TDB is the dry-bulb temperature (K),
Patm is the atmospheric pressure (Pa).

Saturation Line Meaning

Saturation line is the curve on the psychrometric chart where air is fully saturated (RH = 100%). It Indicates maximum moisture content the air can hold at a given temperature. At saturation,

\[\omega = 0.622 \cdot \frac{P_{vs}}{P_{atm} – P_{vs}}\]

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